4TUBE feet were fitted under a modified Art Audio Diabolo 6W SET Valve Amplifier WE300B. There was an immediate improvement in the overall clarity - as if all the cable interconnects had been cleaned (they had already)! The Soundstage also became more 3-dimensional. Valve-Based equipment is particularly prone to microphonics, hence the dramatic improvement ...
The next step was to replace the bolted feet on the Zingali Client Name 1.2's with the TALIS PRO feet. The immediate effect was that the low end was more solid, tighter and generally more natural sounding. Also the Amplifier could play louder without the sound becoming distorted, we presume due to a reduction in the ground vibrations from the speakers that were fed back to the equipment in the Townsend Rack.
Finally the new Schitt Yggdrasil DAC, which was happily sitting on its own shelf, was now cushioned under the latest PowerBASE Platform. Even more detail was extracted from this amazing DAC and everything just became more realistic - it was just like being there on some of the top quality recordings that we auditioned.